first question people ask us these days is: "does the other twin cry when
one twin does?"
fortunately in my case they don't.
babies turn 3 months old today. My life so far revolved around diaper changes,
feeding, burping, bath, massage, swaddle wraps, and it's been all about them.
twins is a lot of work. Every week is a new experience. This week they started
cooing, so blabbering is my current pastime.
Sometimes I wonder where all the energy in me comes from despite the sleepless nights and the constantly busy days. I survive on a 4-hr sleep per day. The day I sleep 5 hours I feel lucky.
I lose my patience, get so frustrated and angry with them when they keep crying
and get fussy. And then I feel so guilty when they still smile at me. Their
genuine, innocent, adorable smile. Their toothless, funny smile.
days I want to freeze time - I want to keep holding their tiny fingers, rub
their cute little ears, tickle their small feet.
days, I want them to run and come give me a tight hug, to start talking and
tell me about their day at school.
I wonder if my baby boy is going to have a girlfriend and not tell me about it.
Sometimes I wonder if my baby girl will fight with me as much as I did with my
mom during my teens.
I need to slow down.
one thing's for sure - before I became a mother, I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body.