My babies turned 1 month old today, and my God - what an unbelievable, overwhelming,
challenging, adventurous roller coaster ride it has been. And I'm not even sure if that description
does any justice.
Our little angels are a blessing. They were born at 37 weeks and barely weighed 5 lbs each. It scared me to bits whether they would be normal babies? Will they need NICU time? They were so tiny, and were already losing weight in the hospital. It scared me to bits. But God is great -- there was no NICU, no other issue; they came home with us, and thankfully are growing fine. Growing slow, but fine.
It has been tough. Feeding them every 3 hours, changing their diaper every 4 hours, pumping and storing milk every 5 hours, cleaning bottles every 8 hours, trying to keep them on schedule, trying to stay on my own schedule, doing the household chores (thankfully we have Alok's mom and sister to help around), taking their pictures and videos, and if there's time left I get to interact on social media, eat my food, take a bath, go pee in peace. Then come back to serve them, or steal kisses from them when they're asleep.
"Nisha, I don't think I have ever loved you as much as I love
them," Alok said one day. They have
become such an important part of his life.
He wants to watch them sleep every night. His day begins and ends with them. I never knew how wonderful a father he'd turn
out to be.
Ever since their first breath that took ours away. Ever since we welcomed them in our arms, in
our lives. Ever since they came into our
home. It's AMAZING how their littlest
feet could make the biggest footprints in our hearts. It's amazing how such little persons could
turn our whole world around.